The Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute (BNARI) was established in 1993 by upgrading the then Department of Biology, Food and Agriculture (DBFA) under the National Nuclear Research Institute (NNRI). It was established as one of the research and technology transfer institutes of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission with a mandate which stems from that of GAEC on peaceful applications of nuclear and related techniques for socio-economic development.

Our vision

To be a leading Institution that provides sustainable solutions to challenges in agriculture, health, and industry through biotechnology and nuclear science interventions.

Mission statement

To conduct research into the development of sustainable solutions by exploiting, biotechnology, nuclear and related techniques for enhancement of food and nutrition security, health and wellbeing, industrialization and poverty alleviation.


Our motto shall be “sustainable agricultural solutions” to signify that our work is focused on developing sustainable solutions to the myriad of problems faced by our farmers.

Core Values

  • Diligence: Inspired by the adinkra symbol named Akuafopa, BNARI is committed to diligence, hard work, and entrepreneurship. This value inspires all staff to put in their very best in everything we do.
  • Organizational integrity: The management of BNARI ensures that all our staff show the highest level of integrity in all our work. As a research institution, we stick to academic integrity and endeavour to carry out our work ethically and in the spirit of truth and good conscience. This value is represented by the symbol of excellence, genuineness and authenticity.
  • Quality product and service delivery: The hwehwemudua, which is the symbol of excellence is what inspired our value for quality. To ensure that we make the best impact and leave a lasting impression on all our clients and stakeholders, Management ensures that all our products and services go through rigorous quality control systems. We can confidently say that quality is our hallmark.
  • Equal opportunities and Impartiality: The management of BNARI ensures that our work environment is impartial, giving equal opportunities to all, especially women and the physically challenged. Inspired by the sepow, which is the symbol of justice, we ensure that opportunities are shared devoid of favouritism.
  • Teamwork and collaboration: Inspired by SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals), Management of BNARI is cognizant of the fact that we cannot achieve our goals without collaborations and strategic partnerships. Management therefore ensures that the institute forms strategic partnerships with other agencies and individuals as well as promoting teamwork and collaboration within and without the institute as depicted by the kuronti ne akwamu symbol, which stands for sharing ideas and taking council.
  • Effective communication: Key to the dissemination and transfer of technologies developed at BNARI is communication. Management strives to ensure that research and development outputs are adequately communicated to the end-users. Our communication strategy focuses on packaging R&D information into simple easy to comprehend language to meet the requirements of our varied audience ranging from the illiterate smallholder farmer to the policy makers. As represented by the dame dame symbol, this requires intelligence and strategy.


To promote the peaceful application of biotechnology, nuclear and related techniques for the development of sustainable solutions for increased food and nutrition security (SDG 2), health and wellbeing (SDG 3), and industrialization (SDG 9) for economic development and poverty alleviation (SDG1) in Ghana.

Key Functions

Research and development: The major function of BNARI is to carry out research and development of sustainable solutions. Being the only institution in Ghana that combines biotechnology and nuclear techniques with other relevant technologies in agriculture, BNARI works to develop sustainable solutions in laboratories established under its five Centres and Units. Our research areas include: soil and water management using nuclear and related techniques; crop improvement using mutation and conventional breeding techniques; integrated pest and disease management using the sterile insect technique and other compatible tools; post-harvest management and food processing using a combination of radiation and other compatible technologies.

Commercialization and technology transfer: To effectively impact society with our work, we endeavour to commercialize our research innovations and transfer new technologies to end-users. Much of our technology transfer activities focus on training of farmer groups and smallholder farmers on sustainable agricultural practices developed in our labs.

Training and capacity building: To ensure sustainability and continuity of R&D in biotechnology and nuclear agriculture, BNARI supports academic training in agriculture at all levels. Our staffs contribute significantly to training at the Department of Nuclear Agriculture and Radiation Processing at the Graduate School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences, University of Ghana. Several of our staff also provide part-time lecturing services and student project supervision to all the universities in Ghana. Some of our laboratories have been designated as IAEA Centres of Excellence for training in Nuclear Applications and

serves as a preferred fellowship training destination for other African nationals. Our laboratories are also hosts several students from all the universities in Ghana internships, experiential learning and academic project works

Consultancy and services: Scientific staffs of BNARI, majority with terminal degrees in their fields of study, provide consultancy services to other state institutions, the private, NGOs etc. BNARI also provides technical support services on technologies that we have transferred to end-users as well as social services to communities around us and where we carry out our research activities.

Organizational Structure and Management of the Institute

As an Institute, BNARI has a Directorate that oversees and supervises all activities. There are six Centres under BNARI, namely: Biotechnology Centre (BTC), Nuclear Agriculture Research Centre (NARC), Soil and Environmental Sciences Research Centre (SESRC), Radiation Technology Centre (RTC) and Radiation Entomology and Pest management Centre (REPMC). Under each Centre are laboratories which focus on specific aspects of the Mandate of BNARI. There is also a Technology Transfer Centre, which links up with all the Centres on the socioeconomic and technology transfer aspects of our work. There is a Director and a Deputy Director who head the Institute and Managers at the helm of affairs at each Centre. In terms of management, BNARI is governed by a seven member management Board chaired by a GAEC Commission Member and the Director of the Institute as a member. There is also an Administrative Committee, which is made up of the Director, Deputy Director, Managers of Centres, Institute Administrator, Accountant and Internal Auditor.