
The Centre was first established as the Department of Animal Science in 1995, under BNARI, to carry out research and development in nuclear and biotechnology applications in animals including insect pests and disease vectors of medical and veterinary importance as well as veterinary research and practice.

Later, organizational restructuring resulted in the renaming of the Departments as Radiation Entomology and Pest Management Centre (REPMC). REPMC was given a new mandate to carry out research and development of pest control solutions using nuclear, biotechnology and related techniques.

Currently the Centre carries out research and development activities on four major insects; Oriental fruit fly, fall armyworm (FAW), mosquito, and black soldier fly (BSF). Research efforts are focused on solving major national problems posed by these insects. The veterinary clinic also carries out research and provides services to the surrounding communities.


To be Ghana’s leading public institution that provides solutions to challenges in agriculture, health, and industry through the exploration and exploitation of scientific knowledge in biotechnology and nuclear science.


To conduct research into the development of sustainable solutions by exploiting biotechnology, nuclear and related techniques for enhancement of food and nutrition security, health and wellbeing, industrialization, and poverty alleviation.


REPMC exists to carry out research and development of pest and vector control solutions using nuclear, biotechnology, and allied techniques to ensure food security and poverty alleviation through the protection of agricultural products, and improve the health of people and domestic animals in Ghana and the sub-region.

Research Activities

  • Fruit fly research: development of integrated pest management strategies to alleviate and also eradicate fruit flies. Activities include Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) studies, protein bait production, insecticide testing and pollinator management.


  • Mosquito research: to prove the principle of sterile insect technique for area-wide mosquito vector control, as well as application of other vector control techniques in an Integrated Vector Management approach to control mosquitoes.
  • Fall armyworm research: development of standard control strategies for the fall armyworm in Ghana. Activities include insecticide testing and biological control studies.


  • Veterinary entomology research: prevalence studies on parvovirus diseases, Canine brucellosis and Canine ehrlichiosis in Southern Ghana.


  • Black Soldier fly research: rearing of black soldier flies for animal (tilapia and mudfish) feed and organic fertilizer production.


  • Successful trial of Insecticides for the control of fruit flies and fall armyworm.
  • Yearly malaria awareness creation and screening for rural dwellers
  • Introduction and popularisation of protein bait for management of fruit flies.
  • The Veterinary Clinic has received an expansion to improve its services to the community.
  • The Veterinary Clinic has adopted a treatment regime, which involves a systematic educative approach and public health awareness.
  • The BSF colony has been successfully established.
  • Production of high-quality organic fertilizer.
  • Larvae of BSF formulated as feed for aquaculture.
  • Successful development of protocol for tsetse fly colony establishment.
  • Successful sterile male release of tsetse fly in Northern Ghana.

Commercialisation Activities/Services

  • We provide veterinary services, carry out research on animal diseases and create awareness on some zoonotic diseases.
  • High standard facilities and our ability to offer experiential opportunities for graduate research, teaching, and outreach, plus an incredible range of internship programmes.
  • The Centre is strongly committed to public education through its outreach to farmers and communities and their supporting industries.
  • We cater for a broad range of student interests and vocational objectives, including major programmes designed to prepare students for careers in agricultural, medical and veterinary entomology and academic teaching and research.
  • Protein bait production for the control of fruit flies.


  1. Integrated pest management strategies for control of insect pests of medical, agricultural and veterinary importance.
  2. Training of entrepreneurs and farmers on animal feed and fertilizer production using black soldier fly larvae.
  3. Technical expertise on tsetse fly control, including SIT.


  • International Atomic Energy Agency
  • Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research
  • University of Ghana
  • National Malaria Control Programme
  • AnGloAshanti Malaria Control Limited (AgaMal)
  • Center for Research into Infectious Disease (CRID), Cameroon
  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
  • University of Cape Coast
  • Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Switzerland
  • Mango and Vegetable Production Farmers Association of Ghana
  • International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Cotonou, Benin


REPMC is within the premises of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, located 24 km to the north of Accra, Ghana. It is 6 km off the main Legon– Madina road between the Haatso and kwabenya towns. GhPost GPS: GE-257-0465

For further information kindly contact:

The Centre Manager (REPMC)

Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute

Ghana Atomic Energy Commission. P.O. Box LG 80

Phone: +233 0302 400303 +233 0302 402286                                  E-mail: